I make it sound easy, but many of you know that it is not quite as simple as that. To help you celebrate the holidays like a pro and be the best mom ever, here are a few simple steps to keep in mind:
1. Plan and manage your time wisely - stressing yourself about decorating, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids all at the same time would ruin the fun of having your friends and family over.
- Plan and manage your time wisely - stressing yourself about decorating, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids all at the same time would ruin the fun of having your friends and family over. Take your time, plan the food menu and decorations in advance, and work around your kids' and your work schedule. If cooking is not your strong suit, have food catered or simply buy ready-made options. The place does not need to be spotless either so give yourself a break. What's most important is the time you spend with your family and friends!
- Prepare your kids for the change in routine - you've probably heard that structure and predictability are very important for young children, especially between 2 and 7 years of age. Naturally, a change in routine may throw your kids off and cause them to feel overwhelmed, excited and overstimulated, especially if you have many people over, and no-one wants a crying toddler ruining mom and dad's fun time. The simplest and most effective thing to do is to prepare them by letting them know a few days in advance what is going to happen on that day, at what time and for how long. Keep reminding them with simple words what they can expect and, on the actual day, review how the party is going to progress. Give them an opportunity to ask questions and depending on their age, limit the celebration to no more than several hours.
- Last but certainly not least, have fun - when the host is having a good time, everyone is having a good time! Play with the kids and laugh out loud at their jokes, tricks and silly comments. Spend time with the adults around and let the young ones do their own thing as well. Let them get messy and tire themselves out from fun and games. Do not worry about anything other than having a good time and REMEMBER, when mom is happy, everyone is happy!